One of the best known quotes from Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the technical director of the Manhattan project which was responsible for the creation of the atomic bomb, felt that the Vedas were the greatest privilege of this century. He also quoted many verses from the Bhagavad Gita during the explosion of the first atomic bomb “Death I am, cause of destruction of the worlds”~ Bhagavad-gita verses from the 11th chapter. He drew comparisons with the feeling elicited by the successful testing of the atomic bomb and the words of Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita when he showed Arjuna his multi-armed form – “now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds…” When he was asked if this is the first nuclear explosion, he significantly replied: "Yes, in modern times,"
What does he mean? does it mean this is not the first nuclear explosion of time? was there been such instances in past?
"A single projectile charged with all the power of the universe ... An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as 10,000 suns, he rose in all its glory . An iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell, the pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds become white. Within hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To get out of that fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the River. ~ ancient verses (6500 BC) of the Mahabharata.
Until the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, modern man could not imagine any weapon horrible and devastating as those described in ancient verses (6500 BC) of the Mahabharata. Yet they very accurately describe the effects of an atomic explosion and contamination. The radioactive poisoning which caused hair and nails to fall.
Mohenjo-daro (Mound of the Dead) : when excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, they discovered skeletons scattered about the cities, many holding hands and sprawling in the streets as if some instant, horrible doom had killed its inhabitants. People were just lying, unburied, in the streets of the city; there seemed no-one available to bury them afterwards.
Estimated to be one of the largest cities of its time, Mohenjo-Daro is believed to have been home to about 35,000 people. In unearthing the site it was discovered that a very sophisticated plumbing system ran throughout the city. Certain locations contained bathing rooms that appeared to have provided heated water.In 1927, as excavations of the site continued, 44 human skeletons were found littered all over the streets. Frozen at the time of their deaths, some were found face down and still holding hands, it appeared as though a great, devastating force had swept across the city with no warning.Everything in that particular area had been "crystallized, fused or melted". The skeletons caught in the wake are said to be 50 times more radioactive than what is considered normal.
This remains found in ancient India that is modern Pakistan where Mohenjo-daro is located , where many of the archaeological excavation revealed some bizarre findings. Practically nothing is known of their histories, except that both were destroyed suddenly. In Mohenjo-Daro, in an epicenter 150 feet wide, everything was crystallized, fused or melted; 180 feet from the center the bricks are melted on one side, indicating a blast.
Excavations down to the street level revealed 44 scattered skeletons, as if doom had come so suddenly they could not get to their houses. All the skeletons were flattened to the ground. A father, mother and child were found flattened in the street, face down and still holding hands.
It has been claimed that the skeletons, after thousands of years, are still among the most radioactive that have ever been found, on a par with those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In the forest areas between the Indian mountains of Rajmahal and the Ganges, the explorer De Camp came upon unknown charred ruins. A number of huge masses appeared fused together and hollowed at various points "like lumps of tin struck by a stream of molten steel." The result could not be due to ordinary fire, however violent.
Further south, the British official J. Campbell stumbled upon similar ruins, with a half-vitrified courtyard, produced by an unknown agent.
Similar reports have come from other travelers in the jungle areas, reports of ruined buildings with walls ‘like thick slabs of crystal," likewise holed, split and corroded by some mysterious force. Let me take a moment to tell you what another explorer has found…
The explorer-hunter H. J. Hamilton received a substantial shock when he entered a low-domed building. He recalls that:
“Suddenly the ground gave way under my feet with a curious noise. I got into a safe place and then widened the hole, which had appeared, with my rifle-butt and lowered myself into it. I was in a long and narrow corridor, which got its light from the space where the dome had split. At the bottom I saw a kind of table and chair, made of the same "crystal" as the walls.
“An odd shape was crouching on the seat, with vaguely human features.
“Looking at it from close by, I thought it might be a statue damaged in the course of time but then I glanced at something which filled me with horror: under the ‘glass" which covered that ‘statue’ a skeleton could clearly be seen!”
Walls, furniture, people - melted, then crystallized. No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced a heat intense enough to cause this phenomenon. Do you know what?
Only the heat released through something like atomic energy could have done this damage.