ॐ Confused Love
Published by The Name is Bizit | under ❤ AB and PU on 11:44 PM

I asked, well, what is it? She replied its about him. I loved him since I was in class 6. I always loved him. Last week he was here.in my room, we had a good time. Then he went back home. Now I am feeling so lonely, and he is enjoying with someone else.

Well, what you expect to happen next??? Whatever happened next was Bizarre. She was furious, and I was confused.
She rained on me, I don't want any other guy, I want him. I said, okay, thats absolutely fine, in that case I think probably you two should patch up again. If he is not interested you gonna try. you have to try. I was trying to be motivational.
Well, what you expect to happen next??? Whatever happened next was Bizarre. She was then shocked, she looked at me, "Excuse me, we never broke up, how could you say that? we should have patch up? cummon". OK , I was in little complicated situation now, is she trying to prove that boys are genetically cheater, you know many girls at same time. Well I am not like this , or is she trying to prove guys are bad. They suck..now what is she upto? When all sort of chemical reaction was happening in brain, I forced myself to break the silence, " Well , you said he is enjoying with someone else, are you sure in that case is he the right guy for you"? She looked at me. I escaped her eyes and looking in opposite direction told her, "you know, all guys are not same".
Well, what you expect to happen next??? Whatever happened next was Bizarre. "Excuse me, Hello Mr. whats going on your mind, he is not bad guy or cheater, and regarding breakup, actually we never started. I Love him since class 6 but I never told him that I love him. I said, well thats not good , if you love someone you should express your love, then the relation works or not thats secondary, but later one should not repent that nothing happened coz we fail to express it. I think you should call him up and tell him that you love him.
Well, what you expect to happen next??? Whatever happened next was Bizarre. "Yes I am trying that. You know what? I cant propose him as my friend loves him, and I don't want to betray my friend. She loves him very much.Because of her I didn't express my love for him for this many years." Now I became little confident, I thought I was getting grip of her pain. So I decided to help her out, I said If your friend love her then I think you have taken the right decision by not expressing your love to him, If both of them love each other then they should be left alone, and for you
Miss there are...for sure many other better soul then him.
Well, what you expect to happen next??? Whatever happened next was Bizarre. "No she already got a boyfriend whom she loves very much, but she love my guy also, she secretly love him, but I am sure he don't like her, but for her I sacrificed".

"Why are you bothering me about him? Why are you interested in my love story,you should understand but I know you will not understand , GET LOST"

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