ॐ Different stroke...
Published by The Name is Bizit | under Photo Blog on 5:32 PMRecently visited a place, which is actually Girls shopping paradise, well I noticed few unique way of displaying products...:) thought of sharing with you all
This one will continue, since I am not able to upload few pic due to some firewall issue, Probably have to wait till my personal connection is up&working which is down due to some technical reason...:).
I was unsure what trick was that?
I was wondering which one was on sale, "the bike" or "the Dress"

The Legs, are they also included in the Merchandise list.?
This one is little tricky, cause the section in the right was for girls, I was observing for sometime,
GIRLS are looking less for the cap but more on the thing behind the cap, that also indirectly 

Never Mind, This one is my idea
This one will continue, since I am not able to upload few pic due to some firewall issue, Probably have to wait till my personal connection is up&working which is down due to some technical reason...:).
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