Published by The Name is Bizit | under Personal on 4:11 PM
One of my reader commented that Its difficult to comment in your blog..when I checked myself it was easy actually.....All you need to click the comment word and then write your comment and then specify your login ID, ..then enter the CAPTCHA..and HIT post..thats it....I did restricted Anonymous Posting for some reason..but it feels like really commenting in my blog was difficult, it should be made simpler..now how much simple it can be...i have no idea...so my undecided soul decided to take feedback from few more readers....thankfully they said its not difficult but yea, "your blog is different from other Blog..."hence people will alway be little uneasy in something different...whenever theres change people tend to hold back and stay inside the box rather then exploring the world outside and accepting the change.....so don't worry ...go ahead with your blog in your way........
I give no flying rats ASS fellas..Blogging aint my profession.......
Anyway Feedback and suggestion are alway welcome., I want more like this, if possible please provide the solution also along with the problem...but I would be more thankfull if reader will take more interest to explore my BLOGS...Each word might be a link to a new different world...

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